BPG Publications Committee Winter Meeting Report – February 6, 2004

Nancy Purinton, Chair

Attending were Walter Henry, Kathy Ludwig, Kate Maynor, Olivia Primanis, Alan Puglia, Nancy Purinton (chair), and Shannon Zachary

The committee welcomed new committee member Kathy Ludwig who will have a variety of responsibilities including gathering names of potential volunteers, writing descriptions of volunteer tasks, matching volunteers to tasks, and tracking volunteers so their work may be acknowledged. At present volunteers to the BPG Publications Committee are Whitney Baker who is assistant to the compiler for the Annual, Stephanie Lussier who has done searches for publications subsequent to their publication in the Annual, and Karen Kittridge who has proofread part of the Paper Conservation Catalog.

During the past year BPG has generously paid for upgrades to Quark, Photoshop, and MacLink for the use of Annual compiler Shannon Zachary. Shannon reported that the layout for volume 22 is complete and a proof copy has been sent to assistant Whitney Baker for proofreading. During the past year, previous Annual compiler and chair of the Publications Committee, Robert Espinosa, expressed his desire to clear out his old files relating to the volumes of the Annual that he compiled. He sorted the files and shipped them to Shannon. She and Walter will review the images in the files and may use them to improve the electronic version of early volumes of the Annual. Walter reported that mounting of the electronic version of Annual volumes 1-19 is now largely complete. Volunteers are being sought to develop retrospective abstracts, keywords, and an index for the electronic version of the Annual. In addition, it was agreed that the deadline for submissions to the Annual, now October 1 every year, will be moved to September 1.

Walter has scanned all the chapters of the Paper Conservation Catalog and OCR'd (optical character recognition) them. The next task, proofreading, has been started by Karen Kittridge who attended this part of the meeting. She has completed proofreading the "Washing" chapter for the forthcoming electronic version of the PCC and has written guidelines for the proofreading of that document. Additional goals for the PCC are to update the bibliographies, revise existing chapters, and create new ones. There will be a call for volunteers to update PCC bibliographies at the Annual Meeting.

Book Conservation Catalog has been developing as an online document and Olivia Primanis, BCC compiler, will speak at the BPG Business Meeting about its progress. The Sewing chapter is currently the most developed. Committee member Alan Puglia volunteered to become the compiler for the BCC chapter on Board Attachment.