Education and Programs Committee Mandate and Directives


An ad hoc committee was formed in June, 2001 to review BPG's support for education and program development for membership. The purpose of this committee was to develop a proposal for an organizational structure to support educational initiatives and new programs.

The ad hoc committee recommended in 2001 that BPG establish a standing committee for Education and Programs. It was anticipated that a standing committee would provide consistent leadership necessary for the attainment of long-term goals, and expanded programming for BPG. The ad hoc committee anticipated that the emphasis would be on mid-career training and professional development for working conservators.

Since formalizing as a standing committee in 2001, the Education and Programs Committee has surveyed the BPG membership with regards to type of training, work activities and employment. The Education and Programs Committee has supported numerous lectures, workshops, symposia, and conferences that reflect the expressed needs of the BPG membership. The committee supports BPG programming for the AIC Annual Meeting, including coordinating joint sessions with other AIC groups, and collaborating with other organizations, such as the ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Group.

The current Education and Programs Committee (2012–2013) is working to provide training opportunities based on the 2009 survey that identified several topics the BPG members were interested in developing into programs, notably digitization and its effects on conservation; increasing underutilized distance learning opportunities; and investigating new technologies for communication and learning.

The 2012 Education and Programs Committee updated and clarified the scope and goals of the committee to reflect how the Book and Paper Group and AIC has evolved since 2001 with such changes as a centralized abstract review process, additional discussion groups, and additional AIC-level committees and staffing for professional development and education.

Mission of BPG Education and Programs

The mission of the Book and Paper Group Education and Programs Committee (EPC) is to advance the level of book and paper conservation through programs, workshops and continuing education for conservators.


Education and programs of BPG include but are not limited to events that take place during the AIC Annual Conference such as the BPG Specialty Group sessions, discussion groups, workshops, training sessions, educational conferences, and special events planned primarily to provide educational benefits to BPG members. EPC coordinates with the AIC Education and Training Committee (ETC) via the AIC Board Director of Professional Education and AIC staff Institutional Advancement Director to support and/or inform AIC-led professional development initiatives.

Guidelines for the Education and Program Committee

Membership Orientation

The education and program activities of BPG should reflect the training needs and professional responsibilities of BPG. membership. BPG programs can consistently support a wide range of subject matter relating to the practice of conservation; however, it is imperative that programs are relevant to the actual education and training needs of members.

The composition of the committee shall reflect the diversity of training background, employment and work activities of the BPG membership. BPG members are invited to contribute ideas and expertise by contacting committee members directly or volunteering to assist with leading and coordinating this effort. Members can volunteer to be task force leaders which identify current and suggested opportunities for training and funding, as well as investigate new topics of interest.

Education and Program Agenda

The Committee will maintain an agenda of programming initiatives. This will include 1) Current Programs in active development; 2) Future Programs in planning or for future development.

Support for program Chair of BPG

The Committee will provide advice and guidance to the BPG Program Chair based on the expertise of the committee.

Advisory Role for Executive Council of BPG

The Committee may be requested to provide advice and guidance to the BPG Program Chair based on the expertise of the committee.

Fund Raising

The Committee may work with the BPG Executive Council to raise funds to support education and programs. All fund raising efforts must be coordinated with the BPG Executive Council and the AIC Board.


The Chair of the Committee will report annually to BPG membership on the status of education and program initiatives and the activities of the committee. The EPC Chair may also be asked by the BPG Chair to contribute content to monthly news updates sent via email distribution list to the BPG membership.


Members-at-large are selected at the discretion of the EPC Chair to investigate specific topics for education and programming. Members-at-large serve the same term as Committee Members.

Committee Membership

Goals for 2012–2013 (ad hoc committee recommendations) September 15, 2012

Short-term goals

Long-term goals

Goals from 2001–2002 (ad hoc committee recommendations) May 29, 2001