AIC Certification Development Committee

Specialty Group Certification Task Forces Final Report – Introductory Letter

Subject – AIC Certification Development – Final Report from Fred Wallace

Dear Colleagues:

The attachment contains my final report as a member of the AIC Certification Development Committee. As you know, that committee is being replaced by the new Certification Implementation Task Force. Accordingly, this correspondence is my last as the primary specialty group contact regarding certification program development. It has been sent to all current Specialty Group Certification Task Force Managers as well as those that recently have passed the torch.

It has been a distinct honor and pleasure to have worked with the Specialty Groups on this project over the past several years, in particular the Task Force Managers. You have my heartfelt gratitude for all the hard work put in on such a difficult project, and I ask that you pass on my sentiments to all the members of the specialty group certification task forces. Future information, instructions and direction will come from a member of the Certification Implementation ask Force and the AIC Board. I wish you good fortune and resounding success as you continue towards establishment of a certification program.
