Mass Deacidification

See also Commercial Services, Suppliers, etc.

Abbey Publications
Both Alkaline Paper Advocate and Alkaline Paper Advocate frequently carry items concerning mass deacidification, among them:

John Havermans, Ronald van Deventer, Sophia Pauk and Henk Porck
Deacidification of Books and Archival Materials with the Battelle Process (PDF), A study carried out by order of the National Preservation Office of the Netherlands (CNC). February 1996

John W. Baty, Crystal L. Maitland, William Minter, Martin A. Hubbe, Sonja K. Jordan-Mowery
Deacidification for the conservation and preservation of paper-based works: a review. BioResources, Vol 5, No 3 (2010)

Harvard University Libraries
Mass Deacidification in the Harvard University Library

Library of Congress
Mass Deacidification Reports

Sophia Pauk
The Bookkeeper Mass Deacidification: Some effects on 20th century library material

Sophia Pauk and Henk Porck
Effects of the Battelle Deacidification on Library Materials, Coördinatiepunt Nationaal Conserveringsbeleid (CNC), September 1995.

Henk J. Porck
Mass deacidification: An update of possibilities and limitations

Jonathan Rhys-Lewis
The Enemy Within! Acid Deterioration of our Written Heritage. A report to the British Library Co-Operation and Partnership Programme on the behalf of the project Steering Committee. Feb. 2001. (Alternate title: Mass Deacidification Feasability Project Report: February 2001)

Sally Roggia
William James Barrow: A Biographical Study of His Formative Years and His Role in the History of Library and Archives Conservation From 1931 to 1941. Dissertation. Columbia University, 1999

Peter G. Sparks
Technical Considerations in Choosing Mass Deacidification Processes

Chandru J. Shahani and F.H. Hengemihle
Effect of Some Deacidification Agents on Copper-Catalyzed Degradation of Paper, Preservation Research and Testing Series No. 9501, Preservation Research and Testing Office, November 1995
See also Research & Testing Publications Online, Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress

Bibliographic resources

Zimmmerman, Carole
Bibliography on Mass Deacidification

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