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AW: please post

Dear Camilla,


I’m interested in to take part at this workshop. Please, can you give me more information about the registration?



I’m from Germany and I’m working for over 25 years with Peruvian textiles. I’m speaking English and a little bit of Spanish.






Christine Müller-Radloff

Dipl.Ing./ Textilrestauratorin

GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig

Postfach 100955

04009 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341/9733926 Fax: 0341/9733958

e-mail: christine.mueller-radloff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 www.ses-sachsen.de, www.mvl-grassimuseum.de



Ausstellungen der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen:

GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig:
Dauerausstellungen: "Rundgänge in einer Welt": Asien, Europa, Orient, Afrika; Sammlung Bir im Mäzenatenraum - "Reise durch die Welt des Orientalischen Schmucks"; Sonderausstellung: "MEMENTO MORI - Erinnerungen an das Leben und den Tod" (bis 31.08.2008)

Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden, Japanisches Palais:
Dauerausstellungen: "Schaufenster zur Sammlung"; "Das Dresdner Damaskus-Zimmer"; Sonderausstellungen: "Schätze aus Afrika, Indonesien und der Südsee - Die Schenkungen Baessler und Arnhold" (bis 31.09.2008); "Vergessene Inseln - Reisen und Forschen im Talaud Archipel" (ab 23.7.2008)

Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut:
Dauerausstellung: "Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission"; Sonderausstellungen: "Man muss sich raffen - Aus dem Leben von Maria Heyde, Missionarsfrau im Westhimalaya" (bis 31.08.2008); "Westhimalaya - Historische Fotografien aus der Mission" (15.07.-14.9.2008)



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Textile Conservators [mailto:
TEXCONS@SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU] Im Auftrag von Camille Breeze
Gesendet: Montag, 25. August 2008 17:04
Betreff: please post


Applications now being accepted

Museum Textile Services is pleased to announce that the 2009 Ancient Peruvian Textiles Workshop will take place from January 11-21 in Lima, Peru. The theme of the 2009 workshop is "cotton." We will document, conserve and mount pre-Columbian cotton textiles from the collection of the Huaca Malena Museum (http://huacamalena.perucultural.org.pe/). Prior to the start of classes we will make a three-day excursion to Northern Peru to visit the Bruning Museum in Lambayeque, the Sicán National Museum in Ferreñafe, and the archaeological site of Tucume. At Tucume we will have a hands-on lesson in cotton spinning and weaving.


This course is geared toward museum professionals and others with museum sensibilities and excellent hand skills who want to learn about textile conservation and pre-Columbian cultures while visiting Peru. Past students have included conservators from all disciplines, archaeologists, weavers, historians, and textile aficionados ranging in age from college students to retirees. To see photos from past years please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/patina_green/sets/.


The course cost is $1000 per person. This includes up to eleven nights of double-occupancy accommodation, ground transportation, tuition, and guides. Single rooms may be available upon request at a higher cost. This fee does not including airfares, return transportation to the airport after the course, lunches, or dinners.


Please email Camille Myers Breeze at museumtextiles@xxxxxxxxx for an application form or for more information.



Camille Myers Breeze, Director
Museum Textile Services
Andover, Massachusetts