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Graduate Student International Conference

Fashion & Fabric: Theory, Materiality & Practice

Graduate Student International Conference

15 -16 May 2009

Call for Papers


Material Culture Institute, University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


2009 is the International Year of the Natural Fibre. Inspired by this event, this conference will explore the history, culture and conservation practices arising from the world's natural fibre textiles. The conference will be interdisciplinary in structure and address both contemporary and historical topics. Proposals are invited from graduate students across the disciplines researching issues related to the conference theme. All perspectives are welcome. Full panels as well as individual proposals will be considered. Applicants may be either Masters or PhD candidates.


Potential topics may include but are not limited to:

• Textiles & Consumerism

• Dress & Community

• To Repair & Recover: Conservation Practice and/or Process

• Practice of Production

• Trade, Textiles & Culture

• Fibre & Fashion

• Design History/Practice


Proposals: Abstracts of proposed papers (150-200 words) should be received by 15 December 2008. To aid us in the blind review process, please submit your abstract in the following electronic format: MS WORD document or RTF, composed of 3 pages. The first page should have your name, your university affiliation, program of study, your telephone number and your email address. The second page should have only your presentation title and abstract text, for blind review. On the third page we ask that you provide a 1 page short CV. 


Please send proposals via email to Jennifer Beamer at beamer@xxxxxxxxxxx. Please use: MCI Graduate Student International Conference Submission as your subject heading. Presenters will be contacted and a preliminary program will be announced no later than 30 January 2009.


Selection Process: Submissions will be reviewed by an Editorial Committee composed of current graduate students and faculty associated with the Material Culture Institute. All proposals will be adjudicated in a blind panel process, and are therefore considered refereed.


A limited number of bursaries will be available to assist with travel for presenters. Information will also be forthcoming about accommodation etc when the preliminary program is announced. Thank you for forwarding this call for papers to other interested graduate students.


For more information about this Conference and the Material Culture Institute please visit www.ualberta.ca/materialculture