TexCons - Subject Thread Index for Sep 2002

Last updated: Mon Feb 16 21:05:48 GMT 2004
18 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • Correction to posting about the October 3rd Textile Conservation Group Meeting, Rebecca A Rushfield
  • Please post this on the distlist, Rebecca A Rushfield
  • Extra copy of NATCC 2000, Nancy R. Pollak
  • Strange posting: One here., Mary W. Ballard
  • Re:       One here., Jane Hamnond
  • One here., BallardM
  • 10 week winter Mellon fellowship in ethnographic object & textile conservation, Susan Heald
  • Textil art, Bel Llodrà
  • Re:       posting, Joan Kiplinger
  • Re:       posting, Jane Hamnond
  • posting, Joan Kiplinger
  • textile dating, Joan Kiplinger
  • Call for Papers - AIC Textile Specialty Group, Deborah Bede
  • employment postings, Kimberly Kotary
  • Re: pH measurements for textiles, Jan Vuori
  • Re: 'soft soap' is not soft soap!, Jane Friedlander

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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