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[padg] Workshop on Architectural Drawings

Lois Olcott Price, internationally recognized expert on the preservation of architectural drawings, will lead a day-long workshop sponsored by OCLC CAPCON and FEDLINK on preserving architectural drawings.

What you will learn:

* Supports and media used for original architectural drawings
* Photo-reproductive processes used for architectural and engineering drawings
* Typical deterioration problems associated with each type of material
* Different housing options and materials
* Different strategies for setting priorities and choosing the most appropriate housing

Audience: Perfect for Technicians, interns, and entry level conservators.  Also useful for librarians and archivists with photo-reproductions in their collections.

Instructor: Lois Olcott Price - http://www.artcons.udel.edu/school/people/pricel 

Date: October 26, 2007

Time:  9:00am - 4:00pm

Location: Washington, D.C. 
Library of Congress West Dining Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building  

Cost:  $150.00 FEDLINK and CAPCON members; $215.00 non-members

For online registration information, click here: 

For questions about course content, please contact Anne Harrison at FEDLINK on 202-707-4834; anha@xxxxxxxx

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