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[padg] Water Monitoring Alarms

I am interested in gathering information about water detection/alarm systems and monitors. We are specifically interested in determining if there is an available product for monitoring publicly accessible areas such as restrooms. Considerations include tamper resistance; low visibility (to further reduce tampering, not for aesthetics); sensor placement which catches serious problems but not the splash from a sink; and remote notification at a monitoring panel as opposed to a potentially unnoticed audible alarm in a remote corner of the building.

I have found a few vendors and products such as WaterBug, WaterAlert (Dorlen Products), Sonin and TraceTek, but would like to hear from anyone, especially other universities or public libraries, who have experience monitoring public areas.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Robert K. Klingenberger
Preservation Coordinator
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
voice: 410-516-8380
fax: 410-516-7676

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