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[PADG:1644] Re: Newspapers Digitization Redux

It's not *really* a newspaper, but the newspaper-like Nation's done just
what you describe. You can go through it page by page, issue after issue.
It's PDF, and to my mind their interface shows the limitations of this
approach. A page pulls up in a frame rather than filling the browser
window, so the user's is forced to choose navigability or legibility (yet
it's difficult to do one without the other). I think with a full-sized
newspaper, even filling the window would still result in this dilemma.


You'll have to set up a trial account if your institution doesn't have a

padg@xxxxxxx writes:
>Based on the one reply so far, it is evident that I did not ask my
>I would like to know if anyone has digitized newspapers and makes them 
>available for viewing page by page, as with the Making of America books.
>I am not interested so much in searching (via OCR'd text and a good
>engine) for specific information in the newspaper, eg the obituary of
>famous person or the chronicling of a major event, etc., but in having
>ability to browse through the paper--looking at headlines, illustrations, 
>advertisements, etc--and then zooming in on what I fancy, much like how
>look at newspapers today.
>My other key interest is discovering whether any such digitizing
>were scanned in color, grayscale, or black and white.  Thank you.

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