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electronic/paper format & weeding


Dartmouth College Library, like most libraries, is running out of storage
space.  Our new addition which will be completed in 2000 will provide only
10-15yrs. of stacks growth.  As we plan for construction questions have bubbled
up about permanent storage and weeding the collection.

The development of JSTOR and the promise of electronic archiving creates the
possibility of withdrawing paper copies and relying solely on the electronic
version.  I was wondering if anyone has begun to discuss that option at their
own institution and if so what concerns stop your library from discarding the
paper in favor of the electronic version.  Let me make clear that we are in no
way considering that option at Dartmouth but planning for  construction has
made us step back and question retention decisions in light of new means of
information delivery.

Has anyone considered weeding in light of the electronic info?
What has stopped you from discarding paper when electronic, especially JSTOR,
was available?
How has your institution's geographic location shaped the decision to retain or
Other thoughts?

Many thanks.

Barb Sagraves
Preservation Services
Dartmouth College Library

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