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Re: Lurkers

On Tue, 18 Oct 1994, Scott Odell wrote:

>  On Tue, 18 Oct 1994 David Van Zandt wrote:
> >I am a violin maker/restorer. ... I realize that this group is not
> >intended for instrument makers or repair/restorers,
> Well, the only statement here that I object to is "that this group
> is not intended for instrument makers or repair/restorers.." My feeling
> is that queries and contributions on the topic of musical inst.
> conservation and related technical questions are welcome from whatever
> quarter, for exactly the reasons stated by D. Van Zandt.

I feel it necessary to take stronger exception to David's statement than 
Scott does. The statement of purpose for MICAT-L is:

"MICAT-L is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of matters
of joint interest to the fields of objects conservation and musical
instrument technology. Suitable for posting to this list is material
concerning the theory and techniques of conservation, restoration,
scientific examination, documentation, etc., which can be applied to
musical instruments. Similarly appropriate is material concerning the
history and technology of musical instruments, including their
manufacture, which is of potential use in conservation and
restoration. Contributions intended to establish contact within the
professional community are also welcome."

This text has, from the outset, been posted to every new list member in
acknowledgement of the subscription. I am absolutely dumbfounded at the
suggestion that it excludes instrument makers, repairers or restorers from
those for whom the list is intended. 

The list is moderated -

A.  To prevent descriptions of potentially harmful treatment procedures
from being disseminated. Once anything hits the network it can easily
spread with wildfire rapidity to tens of millions of people and we don't
want MICAT-L to be a vector for the potential misfortune that this could

B. Because we wish to ensure that traffic on this list stays within the
bounds of its statement of intent. The signal/noise ratio on a
distribution list can sink very easily and, although a list for the
exchange of anecdotal material and gossip within the community that
MICAT-L addresses might be both entertaining and productive, MICAT-L ain't

If all this causes instrument makers to feel that they're being given a 
cold shoulder we do, indeed, have something very important to talk about!


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