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[frameconnews] Tapes

This Mail Group has not had any
posts for some time, and therefore
I am taking the unusual step of posting to
my own list, to see if we can get the 
ball rolling.

I recently organised a series of seminars and
workshops at the Royal Horticultural Hall in 
London UK aimed at UK framers.

There were several sessions that were about the 
mechanics of framing and of conservation or
preservation framing. Whilst I was not able to
sit in on any event entirely, I was aware that
the use of tapes for suspending arts of work on
paper etc. was a matter of some concern for many framers.

Simply put it was the traditional method of starch paste
and Japenese paper against propriety self adhesive tapes
and or archival ready made tapes, etc. If you wish to make
a contribution it would be warmly welcome.

Stephen Todd
List Owner, frameconnews


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