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Library Council

Greetings:  Here is a message from Marilyn McDonald concerning the
issue of some form of affiliation between the Greater Bay Area Library
Council and BAPNet.

Besides Helene's issue of the variety of institutions in BAPNet, we
should explore the way the Library Council is financed.  As I recall, large
institutions contributed big chunks of money to the Council.  Will that work
for us?  How is governance established in the Library Council? Perhaps
we could get a copy of their bylaws, dues  etc. Can this information be
sent out to BAPNet members on the list? What role will BAPNet have as
an affiliate?  Does the Council have other affiliates?  It is hard to make an
informed decision without more information.


Marilyn McDonald
Tel: 415-949-7721; FAX: 415-941-1638
Foothill/De Anza Community College District  
Internet: mcdonaldm@admin.fhda.edu
12345 El Monte Rd.
Los Altos Hills, CA  94022

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