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Re: [AV Media Matters] Equipment recommendations forconverting78 records to

Being in a situation similar to Andrea's I'm grateful for the expertise
this list makes available.  You have convinced me not to buy a turntable
and to contract the work instead.  So where do I find someone with the
equipment and expertise,
preferably in the New England area.

Pamela Dean, Archivist
Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History
Maine Folklife Center

Moderators Comment:
Pamela, there are no doubt many on this list that will be happy to help
you with recommendations including the artisans themselves. Rather then
post a flurry of individual recommendations would you please be so kind
as to put the recommendations you receive into one posting that mentions
all the vendors??

Potential Vendors--
Would you please be kind enough to contact Pamela off list. I will
forward all postings on this specific subject to Pamela - that way we
will have it all in one place in one email. This will reduce traffic on
the list and make it easier to find for the future. Thank you for your

People have been listening to stories for millions of years, it's hard
wired into our brains; people will choose a story over sex, over drugs,
even over rock and roll. 
-Scott Carrier

''Unable to ask friends who've slept before/'cause there are
no role models anymore --/who try death on & call if it's too tight.''
Laura Rothenberg died of cystic fibrosis  in March. She was 22.
Hear her at http://www.radiodiaries.org/featuretext.html

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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