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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-ReallyBigPost


With the incredible capacity of Hard Disk Drives and DataTapes, I see no

reason for using compression for archival video.  About 128 GB is
for one hour of uncompressed NTSC video.

LTO is now the most popular DataTape format.  You can get information
LTO at two websites:  www.ultium.com and www.ibm.com/storage/LTO

The three big manufacturers of HDDs have solved the head crash problem
so I 
consider HDDs as a good archival medium.  Western Digital, Seagate, and 
Maxtor are the three.  I recommend the ATA interface.

I always recommend making two copies of everything and storing one set 
off-site.  If you can afford to make one set LTO and the other set HDD,
would be ideal.

For distribution, it is hard to beat DVD.

Jim Wheeler

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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