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RE: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp

It's true the Elberg MD 12 has its shortcomings: we use them in our
Listening and Viewing Service  and they are operated by
non-technical staff. A couple of years ago we paid DKK 7,500 (Danish
Kroner) each which included the vertical cut option.  I consider
them to be a reasonably priced pre-amp. I don't want to say

For serious work in the transfer studios we use a pre-amp designed
and built by Ted Kendall.  They were five times the price. (GBP
3,500)  The device is called "Mouse Trap" or "Front End" and include
groove wall selection, balance control, as well as comprehensive
separate bass, mid and treble turnover selections etc.

Ted Kendall is a UK based transfer/restoration engineer and built a
very short run of them.  I fear he doesn't make them anymore.

Incidentally, we use a CEDAR azimith corrector when transferring
discs cut with the cutting head off the vertical.


British Library National Sound Archive

-----Original Message-----
From: smolians@erols.com [mailto:smolians@erols.com]
Sent: 11 December 2002 14:29
To: AV Media Matters
Subject: Re: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp

I had considered this for use in my studio but found 2 major design

Turnover and rolloff are not separate but combined, severly limiting
the device's flexibility.

There is no "vertical" switch which prevents playing of vertically
cut grooves- Pathe, Edison, many transcriptions, etc.

Without the "vertical" option, it is not possible to null out the
two lateral groove signals, left and right.  In my experience, a
great many 78s are not cut vertically but cant to one side or the
other.  This is particularly true of non-commercial discs.  Though
the balance control can make up for this when the discrepency
becomes audible enough, it is more often quite subtle- something's
wrong but you can't figure out what. Nulling out as a matter of
routine bypasses this issue.

I checked a page or two of the site.  The author's coyness
concerning price is disturbing.  I couln't find it.  In my opinion,
this should always be clear and near the top, no more than one
screen down.  When this is not the case, I always assume it is too
expensive for me and usually discontinue looking if the price is not
clear and up-front.

I believe the design and presentation of this device should be
rethought before offering it to the ariching community.

Steven Smolian

----- Original Message -----
From: <nigel.bewley@bl.uk>
To: "AV Media Matters" <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 5:14 AM
Subject: RE: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp

> Gilles
> We have two "ELBERG MD12 Multicurve Disc preamp 78 RPM and RIAA Record
> Preamplifier" available
> from: http://www.vadlyd.dk/English/RIAA_and_78_RPM_preamp.html
> The preamp uses 'dial-up' settings for particular labels/discs and can
> deal with RIAA as well as coarsegroove (78rpm).  It's easy to use and works
> very well.
> Regards
> Nigel
> Nigel Bewley
> Manager, Technical Department
> British Library National Sound Archive
> 96 Euston Road
> London NW1 2DB
> nigel.bewley@bl.uk
> 'phone: +44 (0)207 412 7435
> fax: +44 (0)27 4012 7416
>      > www.bl.uk/nsa
> www.cadensa.bl.uk  (on-line catalogue)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gilles St-Laurent [mailto:gilles.st-laurent@nlc-bnc.ca]
> Sent: 10 December 2002 13:48
> To: AV Media Matters
> Subject: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp
> I've been asked to help the Gramophone Archive in Ghana set-up a small 78
> RPM recording studio.  The equipment has been chosen except for the
> phono-preamp.  I had originally chosen a KAB Souvenir EQS MK12
> Preamp/Equalizer but was told that KAB was "unable to find a 220V power pak
> that is suitable".  Can anyone recommend a high quality (both build and
> sonic) phono preamp/equalizer which runs on 220?
> Thanks
> Gilles St-Laurent
> Music Division
> National Library of Canada

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