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[AV Media Matters] DVD as Storage Medium


We have been contacted by an organization embarking on an ambitious
oral history project and they would like the Historical Society's
advice. They are planning to create audio and video recordings of
interviews and transcripts of the interviews.  In addition to
preserving the recordings in their original format, they also want
to make portions of the interviews accessible online and make the
recordings available in an electronic format. We have been
discussing using DVDs and have some questions.

1.  Would you consider DVDs an appropriate, long term storage medium
for audio, video and text files?

2.  Is there a particular brand of DVD that you would recommend over
others for use as a long term storage medium?

3.  Are there any projections of the longevity DVDs as a physical

Thank you for your assistance,

Lisa Wood
Audiovisual Archivist
Ohio Historical Society
Archives/Library Division
1982 Velma Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43211-2497
(614) 297-2544

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