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[AV Media Matters] Videotape Identification Guide

The Electronic Media Group of the American Institute for Conservation is
pleased to announce a new website that is a "picture history of videotape."
Developed jointly through the support of VidiPax <www.vidipax.com> and the
Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education <www.si.edu/scmre>
by Sarah Stauderman and Paul Messier, this site shows pictures of over 20
important formats from the VidiPax Museum of A/V History.  The site is
hosted by CoOL/AIC/EMG at:


under the title "Identification of Video"

This website augments a publication by VidiPax called the VidiPax Format
Guide.  For more information on this publication, please contact Sarah
Stauderman at <stauderman@earthlink.net>

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