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RE: [AV Media Matters] conservation & storage of AV material

>-----Original Message-----
>From: jcargill@buckscc.gov.uk [mailto:jcargill@buckscc.gov.uk]
>Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 3:52 PM
>To: AV-Media-Matters@topica.com
>Subject: [AV Media Matters] conservation & storage of AV material
>I am very new to the subject of AV conservation and storage,
>although I have
>been an Archives Conservator for nearly 20 years. Could anyone out there
>recommend an introductory book/guide to the subject please. It needs to be
>pretty basic and yet up to the minute if you get my meaning. We are
>increasingly finding deposits of magnetic media coming in to the
>Archives. I
>look forward to your recommendations.
>Many Thanks
>Jeff Cargill
>Archives Conservator
>Buckinghamshire Records & Local Studies Service

Both ANSI and SMPTE have put out documents on magnetic tape storage in the
last few years so the information is fairly up-to-date.  The ANSI storage
standard is # IT9-23.  The SMPTE revised recommended practice is RP-103.
Those of us working on the documents tried to keep them clear enough that
they can be used by both those experienced in the field and newcomers.  A
good place to start is to pay particular attention to the glossary of terms
at the beginning of the ANSI document.  Just by reviewing the terms and
definitions included, a newcomer can get an idea of what the "experts" in
the field think is important.  Both of the organizations are now working on
"handling" documents as is AMIA.  Jim Wheeler is heading up the AMIA project
and, so rumor has it, is close to completion.  You may want to drop him a
line.  He has posted to this list a number of times.

Both ANSI and SMPTE documents can be ordered on-line from the organizations'
web-sites.  The ANSI site is www.ansi.org.  The SMPTE site is www.smpte.org.
The ANSI document cost around $35-$40 US.  I don't know what SMPTE charges
at this time.

Peter Brothers
web-site: http://www.specsbros.com
SINCE 1983

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