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Re: [AV Media Matters] conservation & storage of AV material

If you read french, a very interesting (and exhaustive) book :

La conservation des documents sonores / Marie-France Calas, Jean-Marc
Fontaine. paris : CNRS Editions, 1996. (Conservation du Patrimoine). 203 p.
ISBN 2-271-05318-8
ISSN 116060683

-----Message d'origine-----
De : jcargill@buckscc.gov.uk <jcargill@buckscc.gov.uk>
=C0 : AV-Media-Matters@topica.com <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Date : jeudi 15 avril 1999 20:51
Objet : [AV Media Matters] conservation & storage of AV material

>I am very new to the subject of AV conservation and storage, although I
>been an Archives Conservator for nearly 20 years. Could anyone out there
>recommend an introductory book/guide to the subject please. It needs to be
>pretty basic and yet up to the minute if you get my meaning. We are
>increasingly finding deposits of magnetic media coming in to the Archives.
>look forward to your recommendations.
>Many Thanks
>Jeff Cargill
>Archives Conservator
>Buckinghamshire Records & Local Studies Service

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