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Re: [AV Media Matters] conservation & storage of AV material

Dear Jeff,

The Bay Area Video Coalition held a conference in 1996 at the museum of
Art on the subject of video
preservation.  We published a book based on the conversations and papers
presented at the conference.  The book is available for $10 plus shipping from
BAVC.  The book has a lot of information about humidity and storage and
issues that face video collections as well as those who take care of them.
It's very focused and probably helpful.  Contact me if you want one.

Eleanor Harwood

jcargill@buckscc.gov.uk wrote:

>I am very new to the subject of AV conservation and storage, although I have
>been an Archives Conservator for nearly 20 years. Could anyone out there
>recommend an introductory book/guide to the subject please. It needs to be
>pretty basic and yet up to the minute if you get my meaning. We are
>increasingly finding deposits of magnetic media coming in to the Archives. I
>look forward to your recommendations.
>Many Thanks
>Jeff Cargill
>Archives Conservator
>Buckinghamshire Records & Local Studies Service

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