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Re: [ARSCLIST] "As far as I know, it is the largest collection of jazz and popular standards albums in New York City."

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Fitzgerald" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
It would have been nice for the article or the video to have at least mentioned where the majority of the LPs (123 boxes vs. about 40 for the Michael Feinstein archive) were heading. Amazingly enough, they are already on the shelves at the Felix E. Grant Jazz Archives at the University of the District of Columbia (which some ARSC folks visited during the recent conference).
One great thing about the Friedwald stuff is that was really lovingly compiled over 60 years, with very specific intention. This isn't leftover stock from a record dealer or the picked-over remains of a once-great collection.

Well, now that I am 66.7 years old, I HOPE to find an educational
institution willing to re-house my "half-vast shellac archives" consisting
of about 55,050 78rpm phonorecords...or about 27,525 lbs. of
shellac in around 400 or so "milk boxes!" This collection was
aimed at discographic research (mine), so it should wind up in an
institution which is so oriented! The only such I can think of off-hand
is Bowling Green State...but, I would guess they already own about
99% of my holdings!

Steven C. Barr
Oshawa, Ont'o., Canada

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