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Re: [ARSCLIST] Orphan Audio Symposium?

Thanks Kyle,

Yes, a conversation with Dan is what sparked (or further sparked) my
interest in a formal symposium devoted to audio.  Indeed it is worth
presenting the need at a future conference.  I wonder how far conversations
have come regarding a separate symposium, if.

Thanks for response again Kyle.
All the best,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Barnett, Kyle <kbarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Victoria,
> While I don't know of a symposium specific to orphan audio, however, I know
> that Dan Streible of the Orphans Film Conference is also interested in sound
> as well as image.  In lieu of an orphan audio conference, you might consider
> applying to present at future Orphans film conferences (
> http://www.nyu.edu/orphanfilm/orphans7/).
> And, of course, with ARSC's interest in recorded sound and intellectual
> property issues, I'm sure the ARSC conference would be amenable to an
> expanded conversation with orphan audio -- and conversations may already be
> going on.
> Best,
> Kyle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List on behalf of VICTORIA
> Sent: Wed 6/17/2009 2:53 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Orphan Audio Symposium?
> I am wondering if anyone knows of any symposium  dedicated to orphan audio
> collections? I know the Orphans Symposium dedicated to film collections has
> included audio components in the past. But as far as i know, no such
> symposium for audio as feature, exists.  (aside from the ARSC conference
> which covers an array of issues surrounding audio)  Let me know if i am
> wrong, and who is doing this with regards to orphan collections.  Or,
> perhaps what can be done as a community to launch such efforts. ?
> I have been working with a number of un-housed audio collections, and am
> curious as to how to shed more light on this expansive area of unpreserved,
> orphaned audio.
> Very best,
> Victoria Keddie
> --
> T  646.684.5494
> E  vkeddie@xxxxxxxxx


T  646.684.5494
E  vkeddie@xxxxxxxxx


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