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Re: [ARSCLIST] audio reel to reel - how bad is bad - or is this pre-cupping?

Hi, Melodie,

It is hard to say precisely how bad it is. Many tapes if they did not have their ends secured (and please don't use clips that go into the tape pack inside the flanges, please see
http://is.gd/iYLH for a safe way to do it) the outer layers become loose and the tape becomes, ummm, less flat.

This will usually behave reasonably well. As Lou pointed out, acetate and polyester tape will behave differently. This is usually more prevalent on acetate tape than polyester--at least that's where I've seen it.

Here are some winding articles from my blog...

It appears that deformed tapes will play better on some machines than others. This is an area where I find my A80s excel. However, I don't have as many track formats on the A80 as I do on other platforms. Also, if the tapes are full-track mono, playing them with a full-track head can work wonders -- it's a good rule to always match the head to the tape. Here is a really good method of determining how the is recorded

Here is a page about azimuth with an audio demo

Also, here is a page discussing matching tracks to heads -- this is the specific case of the very popular substitution of a DIN head for an NAB head in two-track stereo.

Gettnig back to the effect of the possible damage, while the physical damage certainly has a role to play, the "how bad is it" is as much -- or more -- a factor of the recording speed and the track width. This is crucial. A full-track 15 in/s tape that will play fine with a certain amount of damage would be rather unlistenable at 3.75 in/s quarter track, for example.



At 07:15 PM 2009-02-09, Frances, Melodie wrote:

Forgive my newbie-ness but I am looking at a collection of reel-to-reel
audio tapes that we have and I have noticed that some of them have what
I would describe as kind of 'pre' cupping - that is, they aren't
drastically curved and don't look like pictures of real cupping that I
have seen, but they are a little bit curved, and when I look through the
clear plastic reel, the outer 1/8 - 1/4 of an inch looks different from
the rest of the tape - like it is not lying quite as flat.

SO - how bad is this? Is there a word for this? I have looked around on
the web but mostly found stuff about true cupping.

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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