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Re: [ARSCLIST] Marsh book

  Karl Miller's citation of the Meyer dissertation about the NBC Symphony 
might be the best bet for information. Mortimer Frank's Toscanini/NBC book is 
magnificent and does list some non-AT broadcasts, but not all of them. Especially 
those during the summers, when they were sometimes conducted by people many 
would now consider unimportant. Perhaps he did it for reasons of space. But it 
caused the omission of some important broadcasts, including (if I recall 
correctly) the summer 1949 broadcast of Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf narrated by 
Lauritz Melchior and conducted by Reiner. It was either that or the premiere 
of the Copland Clarinet Concerto with Benny Goodman and Reiner. Regardless, 
there's no listing of the program in Frank's book.

  Don Tait

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