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[ARSCLIST] Managing project data for digital audio preservation work using Wavelab and FileMaker

I'm interested in exploring how others manage project data for digital audio preservation work, and more specifically, if anyone is using Wavelab 6 to create the preservation masters and then managing their project data in a FileMaker Pro database? I'm considering FileMaker Pro for its search capability, total size capacity, and flexibility with regard to handling other aspects of the workflow including tracking, invoicing, and statistics.

I have been using an Excel spreadsheet to collect much of the project data from every stage of the project, and have recently discovered a way to export digital filenames as text to an Excel spreadsheet using the Audio db feature in Wavelab but haven't been able to export the file attributes including engineer's notes and other important technical data into Excel, and Excel is limited with regard to other processes.

I would like to know if there is a direct way to export not just the digital filenames as text, but also the file attributes data into FileMaker Pro, without having to export to Excel, then from Excel to FileMaker Pro. If there are alternative methods available I would appreciate information about them.


Aurora Perez
Operations Manager
Stanford Archive of Recorded Sound
Braun Music Center
541 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA  94305-3077

Phone: (650) 723-9312
Fax: (650) 725-1145

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