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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> So you are saying there has never,ever,ever,ever been a well done concert
recording of anybody,of any type of music ?
> Do you use professional sound people to make broadcast,or "CD quality"
recordings of your band when you play live?
1) NO! To say "There has never...." would imply that I have heard EVERY
live recording ever made...?!

2) My "live recordings" date so far back (1986/7!) that they were made
"analogically" (is that a word? it should be!) on cassettes, using a
fairly decent-quality machine (Sony of that vintage) and two medium-
priced mikes. Sadly, my hearing is so reduced by age and head injuries
that all I can say is, "They sound good to me...!:

My point was that listening to the BEST live recording of a musical
event simply does NOT provide the emotional impact of being present
at that selfsame event (even WITHOUT smoking anything, as well...!).

I enjoy listening to the tapes...but they don't instantly knock
two decades or so off my age...?!

Steven C. Barr

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