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Re: [ARSCLIST] A Holiday vision

So you are saying there has never,ever,ever,ever been a well done concert recording of anybody,of any type of music ?

Do you use professional sound people to make broadcast,or "CD quality" recordings of your band when you play live?


"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
To comment on this...
In a word..."NO!" The experience of listening to a live music performance
is, first, effectively "non-reproducible" in the acoustic sense (and if
it WERE possible to reproduce exactly what one heard at such an event,
we would be quite disappointed...! Consider the amount of unrelated
acoustic "garbage" which our minds obediently edit out...all the
coughs, rustles, the hum of the ventilation system, usw...and then
imagine what a recording of the ACTUAL sounds one really hears would
sound like...! Second...any musical event which we choose to attend
will also leave us with a large amount of (one hopes positive...?!)
NON-acoustic input...which will inextricably combine with the acoustic
input, and thus allow us to decide, and remember, that we "really had
a good time!" Finally, virtually all popular music will NEVER be played
exactly the same way twice in succession (why we pay extra for 
"alternate takes"...?!). In fact, I have a number of live performances
of my own blues band which I recorded over the years; first, the audio
quality is FAR from perfect...and, second, although they DO bring back
great memories (and leave me racking my poor battered brain for others,
eh...?!)...they do NOT magically transport me back to 1987...!
See my previously=posted rant on the subject...eh?!

Steven C. Barr

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