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Re: [ARSCLIST] Barber of Bagdad question: Beschluß

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Hello, again,

the Beschluß could not leave me alone, and I have looked in a few German 
style guides and dictionaries. The word is definitely used (differently from 
my concept of it) to indicate some sort of finality, although in this useage 
it does not mean a conscious decision as such. According to DUDEN it is a 
more archaic use of the word. So, I have wrongfully accused the booklet notes 
writer of not knowing German, when in fact he or she was in all probability 
quite deliberate in the choice of expression. Well, it takes provocation to 
learn more.

Kind regards,


> From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad
> Mike Richter stood firm:
> > George Brock-Nannestad wrote:
> ........SNIP .............
> > > 
> > > ----- surely, the last word must be "Abschluß"?
> > > 
> > > Kind regards,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > George
> > > 
> > > (now, that was a brief mail, was it not?)
> > > 
> > Brief, yes. "Abschluß", no. "Beschluß", yes.
> > 
> > The OCR was accurate.
> ----- the only problem I have with that is that OCR apparently knows a 
> different breed of German than I.
> OCR's sentence reads (in my translation):
> Die Originalouvertüre h-moil [should be "moll"] bildet den Auftakt der 
> vorliegenden Aufnahme, die nachkomponierte in D-dur macht den Beschluß.
> "The original overture B Minor forms the introduction to the present 
> recording, the later composed in D Major makes the decision"
> Either this is poetic license in summing up the preceding booklet note 
> paragraph, or the original translator of booklet notes has picked the wrong
> word; "Abschluß" would simply have meant "ending", and that makes perfect 
> sense to my simple mind. Provided that is what is on the record.
> Kind regards,
> George

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