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Re: [ARSCLIST] Message rejection, was Re: [ARSCLIST] Class audio demos . . .

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Gary R. Boye wrote:
> > Tom et al.:
> >
> > [Everytime I send a message to this list, it is initially rejected as
> > being similar to an earlier posting (?).  Forgive any duplication . . .]
> >
> I've had that happen a few times as well, but the message has also come
> through, and the so-called "rejected" message is merely a reply to an existing
> one. Can anyone explain why this happens?
At a guess...I would say this happens when the post quotes an entire
previous message...ESPECIALLY when the additional text FOLLOWS the
quoted content! This would make the first X (hundred?) bytes identical
to a "previous message"...namely the one being quoted...!

Steven C. Barr
(However, it is also possible that the digital works of ARSCLIST have
been taken over by weasels...?!!)

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