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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio History In a Nutshell?

Howard Friedman wrote:
It has been my experience that almost every audio CD stores the information as a *.CDA file, not MP3. That usually takes another step, as when you copy the CD files to a hard drive or other external device.

There is no .CDA file;it is a creation of the OS to represent the existence of a track in CD-DA (Compact Disc - Digital Audio). Such a track can only have a fixed format: 2 channels, 44.1 ksps, 16 bits per sample of PCM audio in a specific order of bits. There are no files on a CD-DA and no files in the audio portion of a hybrid CD.

There is no definition of an "audio CD". Audio files may be stored as data on any CD-ROM. Such files can be copied; since there are no files on a CD-DA, its audio cannot be copied but must be extracted - a quite different process which may result in a WAV or AIFF file or indirectly one in any other format one chooses.


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