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Re: [ARSCLIST] DAT frequency problem

Thanks Jeff,
I agree this is a nice solution, but means I've got to find an audio-DAT capable DDS drive. I'll come back if and when I do.

For now I guess I have to continue to watch the transfer, since I only have a stand-alone DAT player. Another solution would be to hook it up to our CD burner which would convert to 44.1 kHz and make CD's, which then can be ripped to HD.


Tommy Sjöberg
The Center for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research
Stockholm, Sweden

Jeffrey Kane wrote:
 DAT2WAV can be set to do this automatically. Can't recall the exact commands
 offhand but if you'd like I can dig them up. In short; there's a setting to
 create a new WAV file when a change in sample rate is detected.

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