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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [78-l] Edison site talking postcards

Charles Products was still in business as of 2002 circa. They make museum type merchandise such as mugs, etc. If you need an address, I can probably get it for you. I was a retail accountant in a former life.
RA Friedman

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List on behalf of Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx 
	Sent: Wed 6/6/2007 6:45 PM 
	To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
	Subject: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [78-l] Edison site talking postcards

	No replies from 78-L. Anyone here seen any of these?
	Forwarded Message:
	Subj:Edison site talking  postcards
	Date:6/6/2007 12:36:26 PM Eastern Daylight  Time
	I've recently come  across a couple of 78 rpm talking postcards apparently
	sold at the Fort Myers  Edison site. One shows the "Edison Home" first
	prefabricated house. The other is  of the Edison Laboratory at Ft. Myers.
	They are 3-7/8" x 5-7/8" with a  3-1/4" recording on the picture side.  The
	audio content is a detailed  description of the contents of the picture, which,
	of course, you can't see  while listening because it is spinning at 78 rpm!
	They were made by Charles  Products, Washington 3, D. C.
	I'm wondering when these were made and how  many are were. I couldn't find
	much about them in a Google search, though it  seems many companies are making
	electronic talking postcards now.
	Mike  Csontos
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