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Re: [ARSCLIST] Studio Acoustics (was Cedar)

-----Original Message-----
>From Richard L. Hess: "...Good room acoustics (as well as audio monitor
selection) are crucial 
in doing a good job of restoration and mastering. They are less 
important for doing preservation copies where no processing involving 
operator judgment is performed, but they are still important so you 
can hear if you have optimum playback..."

A good monitoring environment is important but not nearly as important as
somebody who is very well versed in what to listen for. I'm not sure this
can be self taught. Every individual's sensitivity to a particular artifact
or problem varies all over the map. While some problems will seem obvious to
each of us, many still need to be pointed out by others who find them
obvious or have learned from others. My point is that the learning curve for
each issue varies a great deal from individual to individual. A huge
percentage of what we think we are hearing is what we expect. We often think
we hear differences that don't exist yet we'll also miss huge problems that
are perfectly obvious to the novice. I don't think one can possibly be
humble enough when it comes to listening acuity. I'd argue that these
learning issues have caused most new technology restoration train wrecks.

The average studio monitor is probably the best it has ever been yet the
average new recording being released today is probably the worst sounding it
has been since the early 1950s if not before. I recently attended a
demonstration of some high-end near field monitors. The entire room was
floored by how much better a '60s Frank Sinatra recording sounded than most
of what had been played. I probably should of kept my mouth shut but I
couldn't resist pointing out that Wally Heider had told me this particular
series of recordings had been mixed using Altec 604s and Sinatra had sung
into his handheld Shure 546 microphone. Real know-how trumps gear every
single time!

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com

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