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Re: [ARSCLIST] Studio Acoustics (was Cedar)

Richard L. Hess wrote:

And there is the question of what monitors are being used.

This raises an issue which has only been marginally touched on in this list and I fear with all the other cost and time pressures perhaps does not receive proper attention.

Good room acoustics (as well as audio monitor selection) are crucial in doing a good job of restoration and mastering. They are less important for doing preservation copies where no processing involving operator judgment is performed, but they are still important so you can hear if you have optimum playback.

While all of us may have our favourite monitor speakers, a recent series of tests about the Studer A80/A810 and Sony APR-5000 tested more than the audibility of differences among these three machines. It also showed that audibility of subtle differences can be discerned on three good monitor systems of VERY different design/implementation.

With respect to this, here is an interesting article, especially in regards to adaptation:

Toole, Floyd E. "Loudspeakers and Rooms for Sound Reproduction—A Scientific Review". J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 54, No. 6, 2006 June

It is available for purchase at


Marcos Sueiro Bal
Audio/Moving Image Project Archivist
Preservation Division
Columbia University Libraries

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