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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Business vs. Music Business: The Shakeout Continues.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D P Ingram" <darren@xxxxxxxxx>
> On 17 maj 2007, at 15.41, Karl Miller wrote:
> > Let me know how much money you would need to start up such a  
> > service. Assuming such a site would be subject to the European  
> > copyrights, I have plenty of broadcast material, still covered by  
> > US copyrights, that I would be happy to make available at no charge.
> >
> Hi... seems that (according to some off list) mail Finland might be  
> tightening up its rules as well as the EU at large. I think the whole  
> legal side needs to be examined as obviously the broader audience as  
> possible amongst collectors who can contribute material is desirable,  
> but if one takes a risk just because a U.S. user can get the material  
> and thus bring the house of cards down if someone wanted to prove a  
> point.    Are the laws any clearer in Canada :)
Per sound-recording copyright terms they are...however, there is no
guarantee of how long the 50-year term will continue, since CRIA is
a willing "lap dog" for RRIA and the current Federal government is
trying to suck up to Dubya, et al, to the greatest extent possible!

Currently, the RRIA...as a willing agent for Sony-BMG...is in panic
mode, since this coming December 31 will see the first "hit records"
of one Elvis Presley enter the public domain in countries which use
the once-nearly-worldwide 50-year copyright term. After all, when one
of one's "cash cows" is threatened by rustlers, one burglar-proofs
one's barn!

The tragedy is that the recording industry wants to recreate the US
concept of "eternity plus a century or two" copyright to every land
which might be able...now or at some future date...to press reissue
CD's (or mass-burn CD-R's...!). This basically guarantees that 99.9%
of our sound-recorded history will forever go unheard...the industry
won't reissue it, since it won't guarantee the mega-profits they
dimly recall (and want back again...?!) BUT, they won't allow anyone
else to reissue it for fear of "establishing a precedent"...!

Net result: expect a continuing flood of reissued "name" artists
(Elvis, Glenn Miller, usw.)...but DON'T expect a complete retrospective
on Paul Christinsen and his Hotel Fort Des Moines Orchestra (all one
records) anytime soon...!

Steven C. Barr

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