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Re: [ARSCLIST] at this rate, won't be much to archive soon enough

Hi Nigel

Welcome to the ARSClist.  I, too, am a foreigner, but living in the US.
Angie was the only one who came to your defense really.  I am sorry that you
got insulted in such a way.  I have found, since being here, that some
people tend to YELL when they actually speak to you face to face and don't
actually care what you are saying. Maybe that is because they are unable to
understand me, as I have an accent, or maybe they were not brought up in
polite families.  Some people also attack you for the silliest of things,
and when I first read your post I wondered if you had a sight problem.  

My suggestion to the list is, actually READ (gee, I yelled) the content and
get off the high and mighty horse you think you are riding.  Nigel made some
VERY GOOD (yelling again) points. 

Hang in there Nigel and don't let the ignorant get to you.  In my opinion,
you have nothing to apoligise about.



Marie O'Connell
Sound Archivist/Audio Engineer/Sound Consultant
3017 Nebraska Avenue
Santa Monica, CA, 90404
Ph: 310-453-1615
Fax: 310-453-1715
Mobile: 601-329-6911

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nigel Barrett
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:47 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] at this rate, won't be much to archive soon enough

Sorry I am a foreigner,not from the U.S.A. so I never realised large
print to assist those with eyesight problems was regarded as screaming
in the U.S.A..
But by insulting people and not focussing on the music side,you will
only antagonise people, the chappie who was highly insulting to me
whose name I will not mention.I don't need any E mail  guff  from you
about being an idiot.I am not.I  have a University Degree.So grow up
you child.

On 3/23/07, David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Angie Dickinson Mickle" <angie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >> Well, Steve.  This is the kind of pompous response I'd only expect from
> >> someone on this list.
> >>
> >> Nigel,
> >> What Steve was so graciously trying to tell you is that typing in all
> >> caps is considered shouting in the email world.  If that is your
> >> then by all means, continue.  Otherwise, you might want to make sure
> >> your caps lock is off when posting as it seems to bother most people.
> >> Obviously it bothers Steve.
> >>
> > All too many participants in the wonderful world of electronic mail
> > find it too tiring, too boring or too challenging to use the "Shift"
> > key when composing their epistles! Thus, we get "shouting" (hit "Caps
> > Lock" before typing...) or attempts at e. e. cummings (endless strings
> > of lower-case).
> >
> > One wonders if they typewrite (remember that?!) using similar
> approaches...?!
> >
> > Of course, we can get "aCCIDENTAL PUSH OF "cAPS lOCK"...
> > :-)
> >
> > Steven C. Barr
> >
> >
> The e-mail world definitely needs to get a life. There are far more
> important
> things to get bent out of shape over than someone typing in caps. Global
> warming, poisoned cat food, Anna Nicole Smith, oil prices, useless wars,
> James
> Blunt, Dancing With The Stars..these are worthy targets.
> dl

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