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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright pressure put on Canada...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
> > Actually, the "immediate piracy" supposedly occured in Montreal, and
> > involved digital-video-camera "filming" of newly released films for
> > pirate sale. However...CRIA would dearly love to get the same "eternity
> > plus 50 years" term that RIAA managed to obtain south of the border!
> >
> > The next question, of course, is: "Which partially-famous entertainment
> > figure can we successfully run for MP (or appoint to the senate?!) and
> > then arrange a tragic death for...?!
> >
> > Who'll be the Canuck Sonny Bono...?!
> William Shatner? (No, actually I'm enjoying him in Boston Legal.) How about
> Celine..Gretzky..my loathing for Adrienne Clarkson knows no bounds but I don't
> want to give her another 9 seconds of fame and tragic death is too good for
Well, my use of the cliche "tragic death" implied, sadly, that the
loss of Mr. Bono WAS, in tact, "tragic!"

Whereas it MAY have simply been divine punishment for having inflicted
Cher on an unsuspecting public...

Steven C. Barr

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