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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cleaning aluminum disks

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Language Archives" <language-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I have an (uncoated? i.e., silver colored) aluminum disk from Special 
> Collections on campus which I have been asked to digitize. It needs 
> cleaning: the surface is dull and fingerprints can be seen (I wondered 
> if someone took some cleaner and wiped it!). What you recommend I use?
> Also, we are having problems playing it. The needle slips over several 
> grooves. Another disk recorded at the same time (sides 1 & 3, as opposed 
> to 2 & 4!) played fine. Will cleaning solve this? Or should I do 
> something else. We are using a Dual turntable with an osmium stylus. I 
> have seen discussion of weighting the tone-arm, but I want to be sure I 
> won't wreck it!
These aluminium discs (most often Speak-O-Phone, though others exist)
generally have wide, shallow grooves that are very difficult to track
(and hard to get usable sound out of, though they are nominally
lateral). In fact, I have two different shellac discs that were mastered
from Speak-O-Phone discs (and have matrix numbers prefixed with "S.O.P!")
and have the same problem with THOSE!

Given this definition of the problem, I defer to those more expert on
turntable mechanics than myself for an answer (if any...).

Steven C. Barr

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