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[ARSCLIST] Japanese Festival Music

Since several of you expressed interest...It appears that the recording in hand (on the Japanese discs) is conducted by Helmut Fellmer. It features the Japanese Festival Orchestra. Someone pointed me to an online article about Manfred Gurlitt. In a footnote it mentions that for part of the 1940s the orchestra was conducted by the "irreprochable Nazi, Helmut Fellmer."
  Now the question remains, why is the Japanese version 4 minutes longer than the composer's recording? Also of interest to me was that for the Japanese version, it sounded like large gongs were used, and not heard in the composer's version. The identification of different orchestras explains the ensemble performances in the Japanese recording.
  Sound like this poorly played Japanese version might have historical interest and I should release it...but then...we have the copyrights...I wonder if the Feds would get after me if I mounted an mp3 on the web...humm....

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