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Re: [ARSCLIST] Strips of plastic play audio when you run your teeth over them

Top cop the voice of  'talking signs' on South Tyneside Useful crime prevention messages 14/12/2006 -  South Tyneside
 Psst.....heard the one about the top cop on South Tyneside being the voice of festive talking road signs?
No, you're not imagining it, if a disembodied road sign suddenly speaks to you and reminds you to lock your car, it's likely to be the voice of Chief Superintendent Kevin Lambert, area commander for South Tyneside.
Chief Supt Lambert's voice is being used on the signs in the latest initiaitive from the Safer South Tyneside partnership, a joint police and local authority project to reduce crime and disorder across the borough. 
The sign says: " Don't become a victim of crime this Christmas, help us to make this a Safer South Tyneside."
It forms part of Chief Constable Mike Craik's pledge of total policing to tackle crime at all levels, which is supported by Northumbria Police Authority.
Chief Supt Lambert recently joined Northumbria Police from Gloucestershire Constabulary, and has a distinctive country accent.
He said: " You can tell I'm not from around these parts but I hope my different accent still manages to get across these important and timely crime prevention messages. It's just when you've parked your vehicle that you need to remember to remove all valuables from sight - that's why these talking road signs are such a good idea. They are easy to move around and put in the right places.
" A talking sign is rather a novelty and we hope that people will warm to them and take on board what they say. South Tyneside is a very safe place but we want to further reduce crime across the borough. "
The talking signs, supported by funding from the South Tyneside Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, can initially be heard at the Customs House Car Park, South Shields. Another portable sign will be used in other locations across South Tyneside.
South Tyneside Councillor Joanne Bell, Lead Member Safer and Stronger Communities, said: " We welcome this innovative initiative, which reminds people of the importance of locking away valuables out of sight.
" At this time of year, when people are Christmas shopping, or visiting friends and relatives to drop off or receive presents, it's easy to forget about security. But if you leave valuable goods or gift-wrapped presents lying on display in cars, they act as an invitation for thieves to help themselves.
"Just think about it - apart from the sheer awfulness of losing the presents you have chosen for your loved ones, you are then faced with trying to get your smashed window or broken lock fixed over the festive period when most people are on holiday.
" Do yourself a favour, lock all valuables out of sight in the  car boot and have a safe and secure Christmas."
Tyneside, Wearside and Northumberland are amongst the safest places in the country to live. Crime fell by 7% last year and has dropped 37% since the early 90s.   


David Breneman <david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: --- Mal Rockwell  wrote:

> God forbid the advertising industry ever figures out the same
> technology can be applied to our roads!

When I has a kid, my parents told me that one state (I don't
remember which) experimented with applying a pattern on the
shoulders of their highways that "said" "get over get over..."
to anyone that wandered out of their lane.  Sort of like the
"Pull up!" warnings in airplanes.  Apparently they didn't
wear well.  This would have been in the 50s as they told
me about it in the mid 60s (when we were discussing these
very same type of "talking" tape strips).

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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