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Re: [ARSCLIST] Filling mines with data & Samp9 (was Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways C...

Hi Mike:

I think this isn't recognizing how modern professional digital storage works. Not saying it always works this way, but the whole point of digital storage is multiple copies at multiple sites. You can't do that with a tape under your bed. Especially when your house burns down. The laquer cut will melt too, alas.

OK, this reminds me of a good story. True story, too, told first-hand to me. A guy my wife's sister dated for a while was a bit of a character. He didn't trust banks. He was a very good carpenter and was more than willing to work for cash at a reduced off-the-books rate. You can imagine how 30 years of hard work led to a big pile of cash. He kept this pile under his bed. Sure as shootin', his house burned down. But, because he was no dummy, his WATER bed saved his pile of cash from the fire when it burst open as the flames destroyed the bedroom. He gave $100 tips to all the honest volunteer firemen who did not steal one nickel and joked about the whole thing for years afterward. I think he got the religion of banks after that, but I don't know that for a fact and he might well have gotten the religion of a buried concrete bunker just as likely.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Filling mines with data & Samp9 (was Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways C...

In a message dated 12/8/2006 12:00:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
arclists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

But this digresses from sound and audio and especially the
subject...so I changed it.

The relevance to sound and audio is that the current recommendation
frequently appearing here is that audio archivists piggyback on this vast data storage
industry instead of trying to preserve hard media.

The consequences of the mysterious disappearance of a critical fifteen
minutes of some politician's or official's life record can be severe enough so that
legislation will make the comprehensive and secure storage of digital data

Archival sound and even video data files will be a small enough part of this
that they can ride along without requiring significantly increases in the
systems and therefore at a low cost relative to the cost of development of
independent sound archiving systems.

My concern is in the security issues involved in the centralizing of these
archives for economies of scale. Imagine a high yield nuclear device smuggled
into Iron Mountain in a delivery truck.

If I were young enough to care and had a recording I really wanted to
preserve for the rest of my life, I would still record it on tape, or even have a
lacquer cut, and keep it under my bed!

Mike Csontos

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