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Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways CD's and DVD's can fail.

  >Wow, that sure is a commentary on the fact that computers >MAKE more work than they save! 50%? Where 
>did you read/hear that? I find it a little hard to believe but the >modern age is an endless vile 
>stream of minutea, so perhaps we have doubled our total >information heap since the dawn of the 
>computer age. A modest suggestion -- history will likely prove >out that a good portion of that 50% 
>isn't worth saving.
  Actually, there are some theorist who believe that we double the total information every ten years...therefore we now have twice as much available information than we had ten years ago. Further, there was a rather loosely prepared study done, (by some researchers at Stanford...I can check if anyone is interested) which suggested that about 85% or more information created today (as of the date of the study...c.2003?) existed in electronic form. Of course that includes video, audio, data, personal files, etc.
  As to what we save...unfortunately...my guess is that it will be market driven, like just about everything else.

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