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Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
It is the error correction feature of digital media that it
possible to store audio without degradation over time ... until someone
forgets to
backup and it is completely gone forever.

As I understand it (and I may not be correct)...so far, we have no data
on life spans for the various media used to store digital information?
However, I have a number of CD's that show NO visible evidence of
physical damage or deterioration...but refuse to play some, most or
all of their content without random "skipping" of parts...and these
are pressed, not "burned" discs...

Whatever data may exist on longevity are the property of the respective manufacturers. They do not choose to disclose them.

Visible changes may exist without audible impact; most audible losses over time show little or no effect to the naked eye.

Note that there is error correction for audio as well as for data. The difference is an extra layer of ECC for data which makes the resulting disc more tolerant of error. That layer costs about 13% of capacity, explaining the difference in space needed for redbook WAVs and their equivalent as CD-DA.

There is a page on ECC in the primer at my WWW site:
Other pages may also be of interest.


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