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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD versus Download was "All hail the analogue revolution..."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hey, my sympathies are with you. It's the same with jazz -- aside from the
fact that the genre has
> been hijacked to large extent by the "museum music" crowd.
Well, if you mean what I THINK you mean by "museum music crowd"...
it is worth pointing out that much "avant garde" jazz is essentially
incomprehensible, and barely (if at all) fits any definition of "music"
(other than being "music" because its perpetrators say that it is?!).
Actually, the problem with "jazz" is that it has emulated Stephen
Leacock's fictional character, who "jumped on his horse and rode off
in all directions!"

Between everything that is currently marketed as "jazz," and everything
that was called "jazz" during the "jazz age," the word basically no
longer has a universally accepted definition. After all, it is supposed
to include anything from the ODJB to Whiteman (nominally the "King of
Jazz") to Charlie Parker to Coltrane to Sun Ra to the confusing "Avant
Garde jazz" genre...

"One Size Fits All...?!"

Steven C. Barr

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