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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD versus Download was "All hail the analogue revolution..."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
> In a message dated 9/25/2006 8:28:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> The CD...or, more likely, the DVD...is fairly sure to remain...at least
> until we are totally used to, and comfortable with, the concept of
> storing ALL our information on the hard drive(s) (or whatever may
> replace them) of our home computers.
> ****************
> Why save anything, when, for less than the cost of the storage space, you
> download another copy or listen to it inline?
> How much does it cost (or will in another decade) to store and access a
> quality file of a song or symphony?
> If someone can make money selling access for a few cents a download, and
> establish a payment method, someone will.
> Mike Csontos
Mainly because most of us old-ti...er, "baby boomers"...have grown up
with, and are used to, the idea that to "have" music you have to have
a physical entity which contains it!

In my own case (which, fortunately, is far from routine)...I don't
consider that I "have" a musical performance unless I own a 78rpm
disc...preferably the original issue...which contains said music!
It is at least possible that hardware and software will exist in
the not-too-distant future which can take a digital sound file
created from an original 78, analyze it, figure out what's music
and what's noise, correct for the limited bandwidth used to record
it, and provide a 7.1 version of what the music on the old disc
would have sounded like had modern technology existed. I'll happily
listen to the result...but my mind will still insist on the idea
that my battered shellac object is the REAL record!

Steven C. Barr

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