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Re: [ARSCLIST] discography of "direct-to-disk revival"?

Tom Fine wrote:
There was Sheffield, Century, M&K Realtime (they did a couple of D2D before they were digital pioneers). I can't name any other specialty labels right off the bat. Didn't some of the majors experiment with this, maybe just for classical and jazz?

How about RCA (Japan)? Just one example of which I'm aware: the Appassionata Sonata which I believe we discussed earlier. To wrap it up neatly, it was pressed at 45 rpm and distributed in the U.S. not by the parent company but by Audio Technica.

It's miked more closely than I prefer (I've never before heard a piano sonata with my head under the lid), but anyone who has ever heard a Boesendorfer Imperial Grand will recognize the sound immediately. In contrast, a contemporary digital recording of Chopin by Malcolm Frager issued by Telarc had lost all character of whatever instrument he played.


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