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Re: [ARSCLIST] Malcolm Chisolm (Was: Not using headphones)

Here's a quote about Howlin' Wolf attributed to Chisolm:

"He was an unbelievable talent! He and [Little] Walter, they both, each of them, frankly, were more talented than Muddy. It's just that Muddy was a more civilized man..Wolf looked like the kind of fellow who wears caps and works in alleys."

from here:

I dunno about dissing Muddy to bolster Wolf and Walter but I agree Wolf and Walter were the most pure talent at Chess, although I'd argue the rhythm section and Hubert Sumlin came pretty close as far as musical creativity. Muddy, however, was the franchise player and should never be slighted. He sold a heck of a lot of records for them, which floated everyone's boat. Same with Chuck Berry.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Sohn" <mahatma57@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Malcolm Chisolm (Was: Not using headphones)

Boy, I sure wish some had recorded the Chisholm classes! There would be some knowledge for the ages there.

Well, now that you mention it... I recorded almost every class I took at Columbia College, mostly on microcassette. After a few of malcolm's classes, I asked him if I could record his onto my DAT recorder. His response? "I don't care if you bring in a goddam 35 millimeter movie camera". I wish I could have..
I used to set the recorder up on the floor in front of him, and the first time I did, he said "Y'know, your recording would sound a lot better if you point the mic at the floor".
Anyway, I recorded most of the classes I took from him. One of these days I'll get around to transferring them.
Here is a link to a page that has a short recording of Malcolm, and some of his writings:

-Matt Sohn
P.S. Malcolm's last name is properly spelled "Chisolm".

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