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Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> This is true, and the dead-room trend returned when multi-track/overdub
recording became standard.
> 70's rock albums almost all have the signature flaccid drum sound, yuk. I
think what Steven is
> talking about is the difference between capturing sound in a large space
where it has room to
> "breathe" and develop vs. close-in mic'ing in a dead space where all of
the air and space is
> purposely eliminated.
No...I was thinking of the record I cited...Waring's "Freshie." When I
first played that disc, my mind went "Holy <bad word>...this must be in
stereo!" What it actually is, in fact, is one of the very few Victor
(or any) recordings made in a "live" (un-padded) room. It took me a lot
of listening and thinking to figure out WHY it sounded so real!

In fact, now I'm wondering if the reason my "live on-site" two-mike
recordings of my own blues band sound better than I had any right
to expect...?!

Steven C. Barr

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